Monday 8 October 2007

Media Key Terms

Split Screen - In Kidulthood we see this technique has been used when the Katie is about to commit suicide and everything is shown from each characters point of view. Katie is shown at home whereas Trevor is shown meeting his uncle. Jay is getting a "Trim" and Becky is shown socialising with boys.

Flashbacks - Another technique used in Kidulthood. A clear, effective example is in the end, when we see Alisa drinking alcohol and sitting in the middle of an alley way and we also see Trevor when he is with his uncle. They are both having regrets and thinking about what they have done which is portrayed through this specific technique.

Hero - Every movie has a hero, in this movie we can relate to how the hero was Trevor because of the fact that we see a lot of things from his point of view and how he goes about on a normal day etc. We are focusing more on his life and his troubles.

Binary opposition - The differences shown between two people/ Good vs. Evil. In kidulthood we see Sam and Trevor as enemies and because of the way they go about doing things this is reflected on they're personality.

Representation - The way people/places are perceived. In kidulthood we see the characters are shown in negative roles and the places are seen as 'run down areas' where we would expect people from a low income background to come from.

Protagonist - Lead role in a movie, We see Trevor as the main protagonist as he is the one who is shown facing a lot of difficulties and wants to change the way he is living but cannot because of the society he lives in etc.

Racism - Involving social and economic discrimination; we see racism in a clip when Moony, Jay and Trevor are going down a street corner and they bump into some boys. The boys decide to argue and Jay then adds 'Is it because I'm a Skinhead white boy?.'

Deviance - This means unacceptable behaviour which goes against the norms and values of the society. Related to kidulthood as there are many things which the teenagers all do that would be seen as inappropriate (Underage drinking, taking drugs, Causing arguments etc)

Cliff hanger - Where the audience is left un-known about what happens next etc. This usually happens in soaps and dramas shown on telvision so that the next episode can continue from the previous one. In the end when we see Trevor have a flashback and he passes out. We don't know if he actually dies or not because it was not shown clearly in the movie.

Non Linear Narrative - The movie does not contain a flowing narrative because of the fact that it contains flashbacks which informs us about the happenings within the 24 hours.

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