Monday 15 October 2007

Essay On Clip

This is a scene from kidulthood which shows Jay going into the shops in the start ordering 3 beers. This clip instantly relates to my question of how youths are stereotyped. The film is showing us young teenagers who are drinking and causing violence. This shows that the film was based around stereotypes, made to make these stereotypes seem realistic.
The Mise-en-scene moves on from the shop onto the streets of West London, from a typical issue of a young teenager threatening a shop owner, moving onto the whole gang going to retrieve something from an enemy, knowing that when they do go, they are bound to go UN noticed ad they will be in trouble.This scene almost instantly portrays to us, the kind of way males are represented, in a strong approach, hence the fact that we see Trife, Moony and Jay going to Sam's house.On the other hand, whilst the boys are causing havoc and mayhem, the girls aren't really shown as sweet angels either. We see Becky and Alisa getting ready to go out and get 'Smashed' not really a good thing to do for a teenager who has just found out that she is pregnant.All of the kids are represented as very different people to one another. We see Claire all loved up about Jay and giving her self away as an easy target. The movie is male dominated; we see this as Sam has got an awful lot of control over Claire, who even after listening to his threats is still with him. This brings in a controversial issue in society today of domestic violence. Why on Earth would a young girl be with someone who bosses her around and telling her what to do, what not to do, who she can and can’t see? Because the males in the movie are shown as more controlotive and powerful, where the girls are shown as 'Easy' (sex wise) and represented as 'Sex objects.' The way we see all of the teenagers acting in this clip shows us how youths are stereotypes in many different ways. A clear example is how males are always shown as stronger than girls and Girls weaker. Black males are represented in negative ways and shown caught up in thing such as gun crime and drugs. White girls are shown as 'Sex mad' or seen as a whore, which is not a nice label for a girl.Overall, this clip will help me answer my question as it relates to what I need to prove in order to answer successfully.

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