Monday 1 October 2007

Bullet Boy Trailer Info

This trailer is relevant to my text ans it covers the main issues of what kidulthood is about. The trailer summarises the usage of guncrime, sex and drugs all in just 1m 27s. The usage of music is similar to Kidulthood is well as it is a very urban approach to attract the youths of today.
This movie shows us lifr from Rickys eyes and similar to kidulthood where we see everything from Trifes POV.
The trailer uses many different camera angles to add and create realism. Like kidulthood this movie was also made using a light weight camera as we can see some low key lighted shots in this trailer. The use of realism and authenticty is created by using this effect.

1 comment:

This Is England said...

your blog looks text (this is england) deals with same issues as violence...racism...and subcultures...which is a big thing in kidulthood...use Dick Hebdige as 1 of ur theorist he looked at subcultures so u can talk bout how they all dress da same listen to the same music n stuff...
expand on ur points...
good luck..x